F1 2012 setups
F1 2012 setups

I myself havent struggled overly with the A.I but they are definitely more competitive, and will hound you especially with the huge DRS boost.

f1 2012 setups

Not now though, in multiplayer ive seen legend difficulty destroy some people on the wheels. I know for most of us the computer SUCKED in previous games, it was normal to be faster than the computer by 3 seconds a lap on legend difficulty. Finally the computer are worth racing, theyve really amped up the difficulty on the computer. So it will definitely aid in eeking out those final tengths. Lots more car control required, just what we like! braking bias - Although i havent tested the braking bias extensively yet, ive had a few stabs at it here and there, you can get through most corners on all tracks without switching your brake bias to the front or rear while out on track, However ive noticed a few lock ups when trying to brake a bit later and gain lap time. This is noticeable in the mid-speed corners too if you try and turn in a little bit too early or correct in the middle of a sweeping corner youll find the car a lot more twitchy on the steering and will risk spinning. In 2012, you really have to apply the throttle gradually coming out of any hairpins, or even chicanes otherwise because of the reduced downforce given from the BD, you will spin out. The major changes to the game are important to note as of course they match real life changes in the sport: - No blown diffuser, this is the big change in the game, you will notice a huge difference in traction at low speed corners and mid speed corners without this diffuser. Wet weather has had a BIG improvement, the graphics on track and off the rain heading towards the track is very immersive and wet weather has become very tricky to drive on now.

f1 2012 setups f1 2012 setups

This time, we controller users can really take the fight to them! The graphics are a great improvement over the last version, with the cars and environment looking especially nice. Theres a definite equalisation between wheel users and controller users, unlike the last game, where anyone with a wheel had an automatic 3 second per lap advantage over controller users. Notoriously this is a fans game, much like other sports games, if you`re a fan of the sport, you will love this game and be able to comprehend the technical side of things (Limited as they may be in the game). Notoriously this is a fans game, much like other Codemasters have yet again delivered us a fantastic racing game for all types of gamers. Codemasters have yet again delivered us a fantastic racing game for all types of gamers.

F1 2012 setups