Vcds lite interface not found
Vcds lite interface not found

With VCDS-Lite you can do an automatic scan of all controllers for Fault Codes. Compatible with all diagnostic-capable VW/Audi passenger cars from 1996 to current K, K+L, dual-K, or CAN. Second: there are information missing to analyze what the problem is. A chart showing the currently supported functions can be found here. Features: PC connectivity with VCDS via WiFi or USB Includes VCDS-Mobile bringing VW/Audi diagnostics to devices such as smartphones and tablets. Click the HEX-NET photo to order from our store. Has anyone got VCDS Lite working with their B6 Ive got an ebay cable (USB OBD2 II KKL ECU DIAGNOSTIC CABLE LEAD FD232B chip compatible with VCDS-LITE eBay) and using the latest VCDS Lite but all Im getting is the message 'Port OK, Interface Not Found'. Natomiast problem jest podczas wykonywania testu portu w programie VCDS 1.0 lite. Po zainstalowaniu sterowników, pobranych ze strony Viaken system rozpoznaje kabel prawidowo, jako port COM. I know it is not that hard to install the loader but when i think it is finished it says interface not found ( at the test in the beginning of the program) i have the install.exe of 19.6.2 DRV and the newest Install.exe also i have 'vag v9.2' please excuse my english i come from germany thanksss i check daily my mails. Mam proble z kablem VAG KKL podczonego przez USB do laptopa z Win 7 prof.

vcds lite interface not found

When I have the PC plugged in, the LED light on the dongle is green, but was red before that.

vcds lite interface not found

It said that it found the USB, but it could not find the interface. I was able to select USB and test, but the test failed.

vcds lite interface not found

I downloaded VCDS-Release 11.11.3 and tried using my Vag-Com cable to connect to my '06 VW Jetta.

Vcds lite interface not found